this is the way it works i really wanted to blog last night but blogger was having some issues about not wanting people to blog... so tonight when i get on i don't know what i want to blog about...
let's do a little updating...
Thanksgiving was a busy day for Brandon and I we went up to my moms house so that Brandon could learn how to make my moms rolls for Thanksgiving dinner for his family. We had a fun morning. We than went to Brandon's parents house and had fun feasting and the rolls were a hit. We also had fun playing games and looking at all the black Friday ads. We than went over to my sisters new house and had another feast. We stuffed ourselves and we had a good time being with family playing games and watching movies. Brandon and I than had to go to work that night and the turkey was winning I was so tired. Brandon and I went shopping at 2am to see what deals were left at the local Wal Mart that is close to work. We found the Blu-Ray player we wanted and some movies to go along with it. That Wal Mart was not that busy and so they were putting all the deals down one aisle when we were about to leave so we thought we would take one last look before we left. We didn't get a mixer that we were both interested in so one last look wouldn't hurt to see if they had any. While walking down this aisle they had 32 inch t.v. stacked high for 188 dollars. We couldn't resist so we bought another t.v. We did get the mixer we wanted thanks to a friend who went to the Orem Wal Mart and found it. So we got all of our deals plus more with our black friday shopping.
I am now 26 weeks along and feeling great! Doctors appointments are going to start going like crazy. My next appointment is on Wednesday and than we will be having another ultrasound at 28 weeks. Brandon is almost done with school he has a couple of crazy of weeks coming up. We got a call from our Realtor yesterday and...
we are still playing the waiting game of when we can call this house our home. I hope we can move in before Christmas so that we can have somewhat of a little Christmas. We have both decided that we are not going to decorate the apartment for Christmas so that we won't have to pack up Christmas and unpack Christmas twice this year. I hope that we will be able to move in before Christmas.
But I am still in the Christmas spirit of things... I have been listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas movies, and also I'm reading a scripture passage each day up until Christmas day. I thought I would include the list of scriptures so that I will be able to remember them for next year also...
Day, Event, Reference, Jesus Christ
1 Jarius’ Daughter raised, Luke 8:41-56, Was compassionate
2 Sinful woman forgiven, Luke 7:36-50, Was forgiving
3 Nobleman’s son healed, John 4:46-53, Had power to heal
4 Temple cleansed, John 2:13-17, Was reverent and opposed to evil
5 Storm calmed, Mark 4:35-41, Had power over elements
6 Children blessed, Mark 10:13-16, Loved children
7 Savior dined with Mary & Martha Luke, 10:38-42, Made people happy
8 Savior suffered in Garden of Gethsemane, Luke 22:41-45, Was Submissive
9 Apostles’ feet washed, John 13:3-17, Was humble
10 Apostles chosen, Luke 6:12-13, Was prayerful
11 Christ’s wisdom advanced, Luke 2:51-52, Obeyed parents
12 Christ baptized, Matthew 3:13-17, Obeyed God’s law
13 Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:2-16, Gave counsel
14 Christ in the temple, Luke 2:42-49, Taught when twelve years old
15 The Lord’s prayer, Matthew 6:9-13, Taught proper way to pray
16 Parable of the Sower, Luke 8:5-16,Taught with stories
17 Parable of the Lost Sheep, Luke 15:4-7, Helped sinners
18 Story of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:29-36, Was kind
19 Promised the Comforter, John 14:26-27, Promised the Holy Ghost
20 Fishes and loaves shared, Matthew 14:15-21, Performed miracles
21 Story of Lazarus, John 11:40-44, Raised the dead
22 Mary’s visitation, Luke 1:26-33, Is the Son of the Highest
23 Christ’s Birth, Luke 2:1-11, Fulfilled prophesy
24 Shepherds visited & Wisemen brought gifts, Matthew 2:9-13 & Luke 2:12-16, Was worshipped as Savior