Blog Archive

Saturday, December 31, 2011


 New Blessings are in store for this New Year but before this New Year happens let me review this last year:
  • Brandon and I did a college Basketball Bracket Challenge AND I WON! (bragging rights)
  • BYU Basketball games! (Jimmer and Emry)
  • We moved for the 3rd time since we have been married.
  • We celebrated our 3rd year anniversary!
  • We found out on July 7 that we were expecting another baby!
  • We started looking for a house to raise our family in.
  • We found out on October 12... That we were having another GIRL!
  • Brandon turned 25!
  • We debated about baby girl names.
  • On December 21st we agreed on a name!
2012 is just around the corner and it is going to be bringing more blessings in our life. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Brandon and I had a wonderful Christmas getting to spend time with both of our families.  We opened our gifts under the tree and more than half of them were/are for our little girl Zoey Margaret. 

Brandon's Gifts:
  • a BYU cheer leading outfit for his little girl. size 0-3 months so that she can have her newborn pictures with her being his little cheerleader to get him through school.
  • BYU booties for his little girl.  So that they can snuggle together with their BYU slippers.
  • Cologne
  • Modern Warfare 3
  • a pocket knife
  • the DVD Amazing (about BYU's Basketball team last year with Jackson Emery's autograph)
Jessica's Gifts:
  • a new robe that is so comfy cozy warm
  • 2 DVDs Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken and The Borrowers
  • Zoey's Baby Memory Book
  • A HOPE CHEST (the ultimate surprise gift) to store Little Lexy's things... and soon to be other little memorable things.
After opening up presents we went up to my parents house where we had the best breakfast Eggs Benedict, hash browns, and sausage.  YUM!  We gave mom a deck of cards that had 52 reasons why we love her, and my dad got some snack foods mixed nuts and beef jerky.  Brandon got a nice soft blanket, I got a new sweater and little miss Zoey got a pair of new born furry boots.  My sister gave Zoey a chick onsie and a pair of pants because her nickname is Chicky and Sesame Streets Zoe's First Adventure book.

After my parents house we went home to take a much needed nap... after our nap we got up and went to Brandon's families house and had a nice turkey buffet style dinner where we could just go snack.  The afternoon was filled with playing games.

I hope  everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

good read and movie

Looking for a good read and than a good movie to follow the read.  THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett is an amazing book.  I read the book before I saw the movie and it made me think.  Than I watched the movie and they did a good job following the book to movie.  Read the book! Watch the movie! Love the quote!

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Question For You?





I'm going to say that men and women CAN'T be friends...  
  • first reason- well I'm married and yes I'm friends with my hubby.  But we didn't get married just because we were friends. We got married because I'm going to let you in on a little secret we were in LOVE and wanted to share our lives together! Shocker I know!
  • second reason- I can say I'm friends with boys but not really... I'm friends with boys because they are either friends of my hubbies or they are my girl friends husbands or awesome brother in-laws.  But I personally don't call them up to go do stuff with them when I'm bored.  I call up my girl friends to go do things.  When hubby and I are bored we call up our friends and go hang out.  Usually it turns out the boys are in one area playing video games or whatever boys do and the girls are doing what we do best talking.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Forgotten Carols

Christmas music is everywhere... and I LOVE IT!!!  But the greatest time about this season is being able to listen to my favorite Christmas songs.  I love love The Forgotten Carols.  I haven't listened to them until tonight and my little heart just did a flutter when I saw that they have the songs on their Facebook page.  So I'm typing this as I listen to them which is a little weird.  This is usually the first Christmas album I listen to on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  We listen to this album when we are decorating the our home.  I miss not seeing the tree up but the great part of this holiday is not the decorations it is the time of Celebrating our Savior.

If you have never listened to these songs go find The Forgotten Carols page on Facebook and have a listen it just makes this season a little better.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


this is the way it works i really wanted to blog last night but blogger was having some issues about not wanting people to blog...  so tonight when i get on i don't know what i want to blog about...

let's do a little updating...

Thanksgiving was a busy day for Brandon and I we went up to my moms house so that Brandon could learn how to make my moms rolls for Thanksgiving dinner for his family.  We had a fun morning.  We than went to Brandon's parents house and had fun feasting and the rolls were a hit.  We also had fun playing games and looking at all the black Friday ads.  We than went over to my sisters new house and had another feast.  We stuffed ourselves and we had a good time being with family playing games and watching movies.  Brandon and I than had to go to work that night and the turkey was winning I was so tired.  Brandon and I went shopping at 2am to see what deals were left at the local Wal Mart that is close to work.  We found the Blu-Ray player we wanted and some movies to go along with it.  That Wal Mart was not that busy and so they were putting all the deals down one aisle when we were about to leave so we thought we would take one last look before we left.  We didn't get a mixer that we were both interested in so one last look wouldn't hurt to see if they had any.  While walking down this aisle they had 32 inch t.v. stacked high for 188 dollars.  We couldn't resist so we bought another t.v.  We did get the mixer we wanted thanks to a friend who went to the Orem Wal Mart and found it.  So we got all of our deals plus more with our black friday shopping.
I am now 26 weeks along and feeling great!  Doctors appointments are going to start going like crazy.  My next appointment is on Wednesday and than we will be having another ultrasound at 28 weeks.  Brandon is almost done with school he has a couple of crazy of weeks coming up.  We got a call from our Realtor yesterday and...
we are still playing the waiting game of when we can call this house our home.   I hope we can move in before Christmas so that we can have somewhat of a little Christmas.  We have both decided that we are not going to decorate the apartment for Christmas so that we won't have to pack up Christmas and unpack Christmas twice this year.  I hope that we will be able to move in before Christmas.

But I am still in the Christmas spirit of things...  I have been listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas movies, and also I'm reading a scripture passage each day up until Christmas day.  I thought I would include the list of scriptures so that I will be able to remember them for next year also...

Day,   Event,   Reference,   Jesus Christ
1      Jarius’ Daughter raised,  Luke 8:41-56, Was compassionate
2      Sinful woman forgiven,  Luke 7:36-50, Was forgiving
3      Nobleman’s son healed, John 4:46-53, Had power to heal
4      Temple cleansed, John 2:13-17, Was reverent and opposed to evil
5      Storm calmed, Mark 4:35-41, Had power over elements
6      Children blessed, Mark 10:13-16, Loved children
7      Savior dined with Mary & Martha Luke, 10:38-42, Made people happy
8      Savior suffered in Garden of Gethsemane,  Luke 22:41-45, Was Submissive
9      Apostles’ feet washed,  John 13:3-17, Was humble
10      Apostles chosen,   Luke 6:12-13, Was prayerful
11      Christ’s wisdom advanced, Luke 2:51-52, Obeyed parents
12      Christ baptized,   Matthew 3:13-17, Obeyed God’s law
13      Sermon on the Mount,  Matthew 5:2-16, Gave counsel
14      Christ in the temple,  Luke 2:42-49, Taught when twelve years old
15      The Lord’s prayer,  Matthew 6:9-13, Taught proper way to pray
16      Parable of the Sower,  Luke 8:5-16,Taught with stories
17      Parable of the Lost Sheep, Luke 15:4-7, Helped sinners
18      Story of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:29-36, Was kind
19      Promised the Comforter, John 14:26-27,      Promised the Holy Ghost
20      Fishes and loaves shared, Matthew 14:15-21,      Performed miracles
21      Story of Lazarus,  John 11:40-44, Raised the dead
22      Mary’s visitation,  Luke 1:26-33, Is the Son of the Highest
23      Christ’s Birth,   Luke 2:1-11, Fulfilled prophesy
24      Shepherds visited & Wisemen brought gifts,  Matthew 2:9-13 & Luke 2:12-16, Was worshipped as Savior

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I learneded something new

I was playing around on Pinterest when I saw this picture...

I went and clicked on the picture and it lead me to this blog which than taught me how to use Picnik for other things than just editing photos.

I have played around using this new learned skill and have created some fun things for this up and coming holiday called Christmas... I really hope that we will be moved in before Christmas so that we can decorate for Christmas.

this is what I was doing for the last 1/2 hour...

Thursday, November 24, 2011


“In some quiet way, the expression and feelings of gratitude have a wonderful cleansing or healing nature. Gratitude brings warmth to the giver and the receiver alike,” 
Elder Robert D. Hales
   I have always done a list of things that I'm grateful for each year and so my tradition is going to continue...
  1. I'm so grateful for my hubby Brandon...  he has worked so hard at school, work, and being a wonderful hubby.  I'm so grateful for him and everything he does for his family. (like taking the time to add the stress of finding a home for his wife and daughter to live and dealing with the stress of home buying.)
  2. Lexy- I'm grateful to have this little angel watching over me and the love she showed to us and still continues to show us.
  3. Baby Girl Waite-  I'm so grateful to be pregnant again and to be a mother to another daughter.  I love feeling her kick me.  I can't wait to meet her.  I already love her so much.
  4. Family- being able to spend time with family.
  5. 2 Cats name Baylee and Keke- they are there when you need them to be.
  6. Finding a home and waiting to see when we can move in so that we can start a new journey.
  7. Having an apartment that we feel welcomed to be there with our cats and all.
  8. Both of us having jobs with insurance.
  9. Friends to be there when you need them to be and be there for them when they are in need for comfort.
  10. Heavenly Father- I know that He is there watching over us every step of the way.   He is there for us when we need Him and when we feel like we can conquer this world all on our own.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

Hubby is now a QUARTER of a century old!  Hubby had school yesterday on his birthday so when he came home we just made an easy dinner and had a little piece of cake and he got to open his gifts.  Hubby has been asking for tools for birthday and Christmas.  So I got him a leveler, a stud finder (so we don't end up with a million holes in our walls when we go to hang the t.v.), and a drill piece set.  Brandon was very excited about his new level.  Today we are going to celebrate his birthday we are going to go see the movie Money Ball and than to Tucanos.  We haven't been to Tucanos since our wedding lunch in.  I'm very excited about it and hopefully our little girl will like it also

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Baby, Homes, Oh My!!!

We went for our 20 week ultrasound last Wednesday baby girl is looking healthy and perfect!  We did tell the Perinatologist that we would like to be induced at 37 weeks.  We don't want to take any chances.  We will be able to see our little girl again at 28 weeks and again at 34 weeks when they will start the non-stress tests.  Our little girl was sleeping hands up above her head she sleeps like me.  They tried to wake her up by poking and prodding she didn't wake up but when she did 20 minutes later she was not happy with me like I was the one who poked and prodded her.  I'm now 21 weeks along and feeling her kick more and more which is a big comfort for me.

Other exciting news...
We have a house and we are just waiting for the closing date and hopefully everything works out.  We are quite excited about it.  The house is painted a light yellow there are two bay windows one of which is in our bedroom.  There are two rooms upstairs ours and our little girls room.  The other 3 are downstairs.  Oh yeah the downstairs is completely finished!  We have a storage room for all the extra food downstairs.  We have a decent sized kitchen, a formal dining room, and a formal living room.  We can't wait for the day they hand over the keys and we can move in.  We are hoping that we will be able to move in before Christmas.  Our mortgage broker has told us he is working with the bank that is selling the house and he can see us moving in before the end of November.  But because we are buying a short sale I have put my hopes on that we can move in before Christmas.  More importantly I'm so excited to use our washer and dryer.  I miss them :(
I think I'm going to take a trip to home depot to pick out some color samples today.
While hubby is at school.
and maybe do some Birthday shopping for him!
His Birthday is on Thursday and he is going to be 25!!!

Love Birds

My parents celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary this last weekend!  They are truly in love!  It is the greatest joy to see the love that my parents share.  I never went a day of my life not seeing my mom and dad kiss.  They never hid their kisses from us children.  We would always see them give each other kisses saying goodbye before heading to work and when they return home.  We even have seen them kissing while cooking meals.  My mom has a kissing step she stands on so that she can reach my dad.  We even call it the kissing step.  It is the first step you take to get into the house.  It is a reminder that love is and always will be in this home.  I had a wonderful childhood being able to see the love of my parents.  

I have a loving mom and a loving dad.  I have six brothers and sisters.  I have over 10 nieces and nephews.  I have a wonderful husband.  A beautiful Angel Lexy.  I have another baby girl on the way.

Thank you Mom for following dad home.  Taking the big jump and leap over the pond and coming over to America.  To little ol' Pleasant Grove to be with the farm boy who captured your attention.  Thank you Dad for loving mom so very much and being the best husband and father to her children.  I Love You!!!


We got together as a family the week before their wedding anniversary to celebrate with them.  My dad had taken my mom out on the normal Saturday adventure and that is when their kids came to take over the home.  My mom was so surprised to see all of their kids cars parked outside of the house.  Even more surprised when we told her we were all moving back in! Just kidding!  We had a wonderful lunch with our parents and enjoyed celebrating their anniversary with them.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

IT'S A...

Brandon and I we were going to wait for the 20 week ultrasound.  We thought our doctor would have had it earlier than the 26 of October.  Brandon asked if we could go up to the fetal studio on Friday to find out.  I mean we are a little curious about what we are having.  I said yes!  I dropped Brandon off at school went home and got on the website for the Fetal Studio.  There was a coupon for gender determination but it had to be used on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or a Thursday.  Brandon is really busy with school on Thursday.  I called Brandon 2 minutes before his last class to ask him if we could go after school and explained the coupon.  Brandon said yes!  So I called Fetal Studio to set up the appointment.  We went up to mall in Sandy we had an hour to use before our appointment.  I was hungry so we ate and while I was eating I hoped that the baby wouldn't fall asleep.  While we were eating I asked Brandon what we thought we were going to have he said Boy I said Girl.  We walked around the Hallmark store saw cute socks for little baby boys and girls.  6:00 came we went to the studio I had to fill out a sheet.  Than before I knew it I was on a bed looking at a T.V. and saw the first images of our little baby.  I started to cry our baby is really in my belly.  We looked at the baby looked at the face than this baby is kind of tilted.  We than saw our baby start moving all four limbs at once it was intense my baby is already trying to break free.  Than I heard him say "you got what you wished for a little girl" I was in shock I had him repeat it.  This time he said "yep little girl, no boy thing."  We watched as our little girl opened and closed her mouth, kicked her legs, and moved her arms.  She was moving like crazy and we were having a hard time counting all her fingers and toes she has them all.  We are so happy to be having another little girl.

Last Call


We Know!!! But we are going to let people guess one last time before we announce if it is a boy or girl.  But we are going to let you see the profile of our little baby to help you out!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Curious to what the two love birds have been up to since the last post???
Brandon is busy with school and work full time.  He is enjoying being in his program (special education) and happy that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel for school.

Me you know It's Me Jessica!!! I have been busy sleeping making a baby! Okay maybe I have been also enjoying sleeping.  I also have weird cravings as my boss puts it.  I may have a bag of beef jerky, sugar snap peas, and sour patch kids in front of me while I'm typing.  I don't see how that is weird they are all so yummy!  I have already had a little breakdown over my pants not fitting me.  But I sure do love wearing my new maternity pants that fit so comfy on me.  My energy has returned I don't have to take a nap on my break at work instead I go to wal-mart and get my weird food cravings.

Brandon and I have been doing a lot of things together when he is not busy at school that is.  We have gone bowling, shopping, and to football games together.  We won't mention the first home game that is one that we went to.  Dislike a certain band now and it is not BYU's band.  We went to the Utah State Game and had a wonderful time.  We were sitting 2 rows from the top and let me tell you that was a hike!  We were sitting next to a family and the parents were in the row in front of us and than their grown up kids were sitting next to Brandon.  They had two sons one was a BYU fan the other one and his wife were Utah State fans (my guess is that is where they were going to school), the parents were BYU fans.  Whenever Utah State would score the married couple would cheer and the parents would look back at them and they would be booing.  It was fun to watch this family interact with each other.  But the best part was watching BYU WIN within the last minute.  It was crazy being part of the crowd and cheering!!!  After the game we watched as the students rushed the field Brandon said they shouldn't of done that for the little brother school but I think he wanted to do it.  We than took our time getting out of the stadium and we wandered over to the victory bell to watch the MVP's of the game ring the bell.

Roasting pigs (Utah State), the students rushing the field, us in the nosebleed section) 9/30/2011

 Other exciting news with us and baby! I'm 18 weeks along now and it feels as if this pregnancy has gone by a little faster.  We go to see the doctor on Wednesday and hopefully we will be able to get the 20 week ultrasound done in the next week or so.  We are curious to know what we will be having boy or girl I will be happy with it being our baby.  I just would like a healthy baby!

More exciting news!!! Brandon and I have gone house hunting and I think we have found our perfect starter home.  We went up and down all the hills in Eagle Mountain and we have decided that the house of choice is in the city center.  We found a 5 bedroom 3 bath house that we just love.  We put in an offer today and we will know by Tuesday.  Hopefully soon we will be able to say we are house owners! I'm excited because if we get this house I will be able to start decorating the nursery for our little girl or boy.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lifes Little Joys

   !!!I'M PREGNANT!!!

We found out that we were pregnant on July 7!!!  We just got done lighting some fireworks with our friends.  At midnight I asked Brandon if we could go to the store and buy a pregnancy test.  So it being midnight we ran to the Lindon Wal Mart thinking it will be a quick run in and grab it.  Nope not the case apparently everyone decided to go shopping for the week.  With only one checkout open I stood there in line holding the test.  I was just hoping that I wouldn't run into or see someone that I knew.  We got home and I was going to wait until the morning to take the test but because I held the test for so long in my hand it burned a hole into my mind just maybe I could be.  So at 1:00 in the morning I called Brandon into the bathroom because I couldn't believe my eyes it hadn't even been the whole 3 minutes and the positive line was as dark as the negative line.  When he came in I smiled and said were pregnant!!!

The due date for this little one is March 10, 2012 but this little one will be joining us before March 10.  We have discussed it with the doctors and with each other and I will be induced at 37 weeks.  I'm now going to be watched more with each pregnancy and with this one it will be an all new experience at 34 weeks we will be going in weekly for non-stress tests.  Which comforts me so much.  I'm now into my 2nd trimester and I still have days that I wonder if I truly am pregnant but than the good ol' morning sickness reminds me that I AM!  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Best Friends

My niece Quinn is Lexy's best friend.  They got to know each other and became best of friends before we even met both of them.  My sister and I were pregnant together and these two little girls knew they were going to be cousins and best friends being so close in age together.  When Quinn was born and I would go over and hold this sweet little girl my little Lexy would start to kick, move around like crazy.  We couldn't wait for these cousins to meet.  The news came and I know it just didn't break my heart but it broke my sisters heart.  We knew they were going to be best friends and Quinn lost her friend.  Quinn however still has her best friend and this is how I know.  I would get texts in the morning from my sister when Quinn was only 2-3 months Quinn was talking up a storm and whenever my sister would move in front of her she would wiggle and move so that she could look and talk to someone that my sister couldn't see.  My sister a month ago was showing me something truly amazing.  When Quinn sees a picture of our little Lexy she smiles giggles and starts talking to her.  I know that our family is an eternal family and to see that my niece knows who my daughter is brings so much joy to heart.

I believe that Quinn and Lexy were taking a little walk together and that Quinn was holding her hand.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our Angel's Birthday


Friday, July 22, 2011

New Nook!


Well I sold it! It is not because I didn't love it I DID!  I just wanted to get the new improve version which I'm getting later today I'm so Excited to get it!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Have you tried blogger in draft yet???
You can set a schedule of when you want to post a blog...

 I'm making the switch how about you???

I wrote this blog on July 8

Thursday, July 7, 2011


My little niece Quinn was born a year ago today and I love her so much.  I can't believe that it has already been a year I wish that she could be this small again.  But than again I wouldn't get the famous "HI" whenever I see her.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Meet the Cats

Brandon and I have had this little kitty cat KeKe for two months now and she keeps on surprising us.  I never wanted a girl cat because they don't like social interaction and they always want to be alone.  Not our little girl.  When we are awake she is always awake wandering around by us or playing with Baylee.  We took her into the vet almost a month ago.  On this vet visit she got fixed, declawed, and had her shots.  Over this last month Brandon and I have learned what she loves to do.
*sleep at the crook of your neck.
*purr before you even pet her.  I think that is how she entices us to pet her.
*look out the window and look for bugs.
*she is independent while we are sleeping and she goes out into the living room to sleep.  Which is nice because we are already have a cat who sleeps with us.
*KeKe finds the cold tile to lounge/sleep on.
and the best for last:
*we think she trained herself to pee in the toilet that is right!
I have a toilet trained cat like on Meet the Parents.  But we didn't have to do the training.  KeKe is still as tiny as the day we brought her home she may have added a couple of pounds which is good because she looked like skin and bones.

Meet the BayBay cat.  Yes that is his nickname and loves to come to it.  When we first got BayBay they told us that he doesn't get along with other cats so he will have to be a one  house cat.  Brandon and I first decided that he is overly aggressive.  Then we brought home another cat and we figured it out he is a scaredy cat.  BayBay is our male cat and is definitely the Alpha with KeKe.  It took them awhile to get along.  BayBay wanted to play with her before she wanted to play with him.  I think that KeKe was a stray long enough to pick up on that other cats pick on each other.  When KeKe finally warmed up to play with Baylee.  I think they fell in love with each other right away.  They play wrestle, they run through out the house.  They swat toys back and forth to each other.  BayBay being the Alpha shows KeKe daily and she becomes very submissive with him.  I think that is why Baybay is still the only cat that sleeps with us. Some things about Baylee:
*Baylee sleeps right in the middle of the bed like a child would do.
*Baylee knows when it is time to eat and will start meowing to get food. 
*Baylee knows which one of us is the mommy and the daddy.  (yes they are our children for right now)
*Baylee is very social and stays in the same room as us.  (I think that is why KeKe is that way with us also)
*Baylee loves to look out the window and lay in the little sunshine patch on the floor.
*Baylee knows what time we get home from work and sits on the couch arm waiting for us to enter.
*and the best for last... Baylee loves to comfort you when you are feeling a little sad.

*As I wrote this KeKe has been walking around on the desk purring waiting for attention and now she is playing with the lamp so I better go.  I also have a BayBay looking for attention the demands of cats.

Monday, June 27, 2011

dreams of traveling


Once again I'm on Pinterest and I just started following a traveling board.  As I was scrolling down the amazing pictures of all over the world.  I found this one to the left.  All I can say is I love it and that this is the new addition to my bucket list of places I want to go.

Where is this place?

Multnomah falls, Oregon

I love it and really want to go there one day.


I've gone Mobile now when you look at my blog on cell phones you see the title of the blog and the first couple of sentences.  So happy reading to you.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

just waite...

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
-Dr. Seuss
"You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut."

Monday, June 13, 2011

My goals

I went on the road trip and it through me through a loop.  I need to start walking again in the mornings.  But besides the little caffeine I had to help stay awake during the drive to Idaho and back.  I have done really well with just drinking water or Lemonade.  I'm going to make it a point to start walking now that I have tackled somewhat of these goals I have started.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strawberry Days

this up and coming week is Pleasant Grove's Celebration Days when all the cowboys and cowgirls roll into town.

Will you be going to the rodeo?  I will be.  Not to watch but to help out so come and see me at the concession stands on Wednesday night.

Other activities that brandon and i will be doing?
*going to the carnaval
*eating strawberries and cream

My favorite Summer foods


What are some of your favorite summer foods?

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Have you heard of PINTEREST???

It is a website where you share pictures of things you find on the internet.

Here are some of my pins...

source found here

source found here

Let me know if you would like to join just send me your email and I will send you an invite.

Friday, June 10, 2011


This is actually my 201st post yesterdays post was number 200.  So to celebrate it I'm going to answer some questions yepee skipee.

Most hated chore on the household chore list?
> I would have to say folding laundry
If you had to eat a raccoon would you cook it
> I don't know why I would have but if I did. I would probably roast it with lots of good seasonings.

What do/did you enjoy about school?
> I enjoyed Color Guard, and English

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had?
> there is to many.  I would have to say England that was one of the neatest experiences of my life.  I would also have to say Lake Powell trips, and going back East with my hubby.

Who is/was your favorite teacher?
> My sixth grade teacher Mr. Salmon.  Oh he was so funny, we could distract him very easy with stories.  and Jenny she was so much fun.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
> Flying, I would love to fly.

If your house was on fire and you could grab only 3 things
before leaving, what would they be?
> 1. Baylee and Keke 2 pictures 3 my camera

Where is
your most favorite place on this earth?
> Lake Powell

What is the best present you have ever received?
> A wii and a diamond pendent necklace

What is usually your first thought when you wake up?
> What time is it?

What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?
> I have no clue usually my mind is blank.

Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?
> Yeah, Sure, Why not?

Do you
believe in ghosts?
> Sometimes 

What do you think the greatest invention is
in your lifetime and why?
> umm... lets see there are new things being invented everyday but i would have to say the best one is probably the Internet.

What do you think the
secret to a good life is?
what would be your dream job?
> to work as a photographer at a magazine

What is your most cherished item?
> item? let me see it would have to be a ring on my finger yeah that would have to be it MY WEDDING RING.

If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
> 1. to not have to work
> 2. to have a house
> 3. to have all the camera equipment i will ever need

If you could
live anywhere in the world,
where would you live?

Name three exotic countries you would like to visit
> 1. Africa
> 2. The Amazon Rain Forest
> 3. India

What do you dream about at night?
> depends on what i have been doing that day watching, reading, and what not.

If someone was to ask you, “What is your dream in life?” what would you tell them
> to have lots and lots of babies

crazy activities do you dream of trying someday?
> Skydiving

If you could go on a road trip with any person
(dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go?
> is that even a question? that would have to be Brandon and I would love to drive across America and drive up the East Coast with him.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

> the craziest thing is when i was little i would go downtown by myself and go get some penny candies.  i was always so scared to go up and down one street because there was a mean dog that would bark so i would take a longer way downtown.

Summer Evenings

summer evenings... you know what makes summer evenings better than just the nice warm weather?
having a patio set.

guess what???

brandon and i after my 4 hour drive home yesterday.  we got into the car and went to smith's marketplace in lehi and got a 5 piece patio set.  a table and four chairs.  we also saved money on this patio set and the new dishes to go along with it because we had coupons for the patio set and the dishes.

i'm so excited for the nice warm summer evenings and enjoying our dinner outdoors.

*side note: brandon and i are going to start trying the whole couponing adventures.  we got our first 4 newspapers last sunday to start clipping coupons.


One thing to cross off my BUCKET LIST but hopefully more to come:


I went on a journey by myself and it was a fun journey.  i started off on my journey at 2:00pm on Tuesday.  I gave my hubby a kiss goodbye told him i loved him... and was out the door.  Before i decided to leave pleasant grove i headed on over to the Hart's for a drink i also gave my car a drink of gasoline.  At 2:05 i was on I-15 heading north.  I put on some good tunes of ADELE.  I made good timing I got out of Salt Lake City by 3.  I stopped right out of Ogden for one last little break before I got onto the open road.  I got some jerky and some licorice bites the best travel foods.  I would have to say.  With my trusty Maps app on my phone I got to Idaho Falls.  Once I saw Idaho Falls I had to stop and get out of the car and take a break.  I took a nice break walking around Wal-Mart and got a CD that I have been wanting for a while.  No sales tax Awesome is all is the greatest 'nuff said.  I got into Rexburg around 6 and was greeted by my friend and her cute little new born.  I was so excited to see my friend we had dinner.  Than we talked for awhile like girls do.  It was great to be there and out of the car.  I took the late shift of feeding the baby so that they could get some much needed good sleep.  I stayed up reading and relaxing until the little one cried.  I than got to sleep around 3 and was able to sleep for a couple of hours.  We had breakfast than after breakfast we are on our way to doctor appointments and out to lunch.  We went to a cute little family owned restaurant I wish I had my camera it was so cute.  All they served was breakfast and their breakfast was so yummy! better than ihop breakfast.  I got a Hawaiian pancake that had coconut and pineapple in it.  I used coconut syrup for this super yummy pancake.  Bragging moment I usually don't order pancakes anywhere because my dad makes the fluffiest pancakes ever and they just melt in your mouth.  I would recommend this place if you ever up in Rexburg Idaho I think it is called the SHORT STACK.  I will have to ask my friend.  After getting lunch we headed back to my friends home.  I set up my camera and we started to take pictures of my friends baby.  The baby is so tiny she fit into a 9x13 pan.  After pictures my friend went to take a nap while another friend of hers that is staying with her we took care of the baby.  When my friend woke up from her nap we had dinner.  My friend talked to her husband who is away on a business trip for awhile.  We got some good girl giggles in and than we settled down to watch a movie one of the best movies ever THE LEGEND OF JOHNNY LINGO i got me some good cuddle time with that cute little baby of hers during the movie.  my friend than went to bed and i fed the baby before going to bed.  I woke up this morning had stuffed french toast for breakfast than got ready.  Than headed out the door to get home.  I had a great trip.  Some time to think about everything.  It was a wonderful road trip but I'm glad to be home.  My hubby and the cats missed me.

*Tiao Cruz
*Glee Volume 3
*Carrie Underwood

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bucket List

have you ever thought about your bucket list.  you know the things you truly want to do but are
a: thinking i will get around to it sometime
b: if i do it great if not oh well.

i have been thinking about my bucket list... not because of the movie (i have never seen the movie).  i just have been thinking about it so that if the opportunity pops up i will just go and do so that i can mark it off my list.

so here it goes my bucket list.

bucket list:
* skydiving- i have a fear of falling but i think if i can conquer this and live maybe i will get over my fear of falling.
* go to Europe- i have been to england but i dream about going to italy, france, germany, switzerland.
* go to Ireland- like i said above i have been to england, but i also have been to wales, and scotland now ireland is the last place i have to go to say i have been to all of great britain.
* go on a road trip across america- i would love to go to the west coast and drive from the south to the north.
* go to australia and africa- australia so that i can see kangaroos, africa for a safari.
* buy a house- a dream i have with my hubby but also a dream i have always had.  i want to buy a house to have a place that my children can grow up in also so that i can decorate how i would like to.
* own some chickens- my parents let us get chickens when we were little, right now they have chickens.  i would love to have some chickens of my own.

i just wanted to dream a little tonight and think of all the things i could do. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday Night Off?

Yes, Please!

Brandon and I went to work on Saturday night and in my building there were extra's.  So the person in charge was calling around to see if anyone wanted to go home.  I said I would willing volunteer to take the night off.  I than walked over to Brandon's building to tell him that I got to go home but before that I wanted to run to Wal-Mart to get some Ben&Jerry's and have a girl night in.  Brandon called me while I was at Wal-Mart and said I'm going to ask if I can go home also we have extra's.  So I got the text while waiting to see if I needed to get my ice cream or not.  Brandon said come get me.  I went and got him than we both went to Wal-Mart to get goodies because we already had a movie we both wanted to watch.  We got a bag of chips, ice cream, doughnuts, and salads see we are healthy.  We than went home got into our comfy pj's and got settled to watch

Loved It
  If you have not seen it yet I highly recommend it.  Brandon picked out the actors that have been in Harry Potter I on the other hand was in awe with Colin Firth.  It was nice seeing Mr. Darcy play the King of England.  It was wonderful to get an unexpected Saturday night off together.  It hardly ever happens and I'm glad that Brandon and I got to have a movie night together.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Photo Book

I just ordered this book! I can't wait to get it in the mail.


I have some goals that I'm working on I thought that I would also blog about them on this blog because even though they are simple goals I want to be able to remember that I need to be doing them

  • stop drinking caffeine. drink more water.
  • to start walking in the mornings after work.
  • to do a half an hour of cleaning each day.
  • to start looking for the positive in work.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Something to think about...

I was blog stalking and I found one of my old classmates blog.  She had this story about how she was there just minutes before and that we should really think of the small things in life that may change our whole entire life.  this happened on the road that leads to my work in fact on the google map you can see my work.  Brandon and I have complained a couple of times about that corner and how it is hard to see the traffic coming both ways.  It is sad to see a story of an deadly accident on the road I drive on daily to and from work.  I will be praying for the families that lost a husband and a father. 

Kicking off Summer!!!

Brandon and I love the summer months.  It could be because of the warm hot weather.  Hopefully Utah begins to warm up.  This summer Brandon and I are looking into buying a barbecue grill for our patio and some outdoor furniture.  So that we can enjoy the summer nights with friends and family.  We also have planted a little garden by our stairwell down to our apartment.  We love living at our new place we have never had a little garden or a patio before.  We also have great landlords who make us feel welcome by inviting us to their family game nights every once in awhile and talking to us when we see them outside.
Tonight is Graduation for all the High School Seniors.  CONGRATULATIONS TO MY SISTER IN-LAW BRITTANY FOR GRADUATING TODAY!!! I went over to Wal-Mart right when I got to work and I saw all the young adults that are so excited about being graduated.  I can't belive that it has been 6 years since I graduated and how exciting that night was being able to go out until 2 in the morning with friends.  Well I think with graduation kicks off the beginning of summer, it could be because tomorrow all the kids will be out for summer.
Well on Wednesday Brandon and I decided we would go and celebrate the beginning of summer before all the kids would be out and playing.  We got a deal to the Lehi Trafalga we payed 20 dollars for 20 dollars of tokens plus we got two free combo meals, and two free appetizers.  Over all savings of 20 dollars.  We went and played around the arcade we played Wheel of Fortune, Basketball Shots, Roller Ball (I think that is what it is called you basically bowl with 2 pound balls and the pins are attached to strings).  After playing some of the games we decided we go and get our free meal.  We got a lot of food that is all I got to say.  After eating we had tokens left so we went and played more Wheel Of Fortune because we decided it gave out the most ticket.  We were down to the last swipe and that is when we won BIG!!!

We have never won this much in tickets before we were so EXCITED about how much we won.  After going to the machine that counts the tickets
the grand total was:

We got a stuff monkey, two odd shaped bouncy balls, two normal bouncy balls, two key chain sizes of a barrel of monkeys, and a parachute man.  We are now on the look out for a big building so that we can send the parachute man off.  And YES the bouncy balls are for our cats.

I have big plans for this summer: 
  • have BBQ'S and eat outside more
  • keep my little garden alive
  • take pictures
  • and for my first adventure alone a 4 hour road trip up to Rexburg, Idaho.
What are your plans???