Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 7 of letter challenge

A note about my life before I write about Day 7 Brandon is and was my first boyfriend and so I will not be writing to any ex-boyfriend.  After a long deep conversation Brandon gave me permission to bring up the feelings of the neighbor boy that I liked and he liked me but we will not mention names due to the fact that crushes are better kept secret. (and that he is still friends with someone in my family but who knows they might figure out who it was/is)

Dear Neighborhood boy,

    I wonder sometimes what would of happened if your family didn’t move away before we were old enough to date.  Would we of been boyfriend/girlfriend or would of we just drifted away from each other.  Do you remember when we would run around the neighborhood together everyday right when we would get home from school.  We would run home drop off our backpacks and meet up together to go on our little made up adventures.  What if you didn’t move what if we did become boyfriend and girlfriend.  How different would our lives would have been.  Would we of been the boyfriend/girlfriend that would fight breakup and than get back together.  Or would we of been the “cute” couple.  The couple that they show in movies.  Or would we have been the ones that had different friend groups but one day we run into each other and hang out and than start the whole just hanging out thing.  Would of we just of been friends and still continued on the path that we are on right now.  Me being married to a boy who grew up in Colorado a completely different state when we knew each other.  I know that you were about to get married and than your fiancé ran off on you with another guy.  Would that of been me if we were going to get married???  Or would we of had the marriage in the Temple???  How old would have i been if we did decide to get married would I have been 22 and waited faithfully for you to return home from your mission???  (if you are all wondering yes, I would of have been the COUGAR) Or would we have just got married when you graduated from high school?? Or would of we just drifted apart before even getting that far into our life.  I wonder if you wonder sometimes?  I wonder if you wonder what could have been?  I wonder if you wonder about our childhood of running around together?  I wonder sometimes what could have been but at the end of the day I’m happy to go home and cuddle up with my husband and give him a good nights kiss and hear the words I LOVE YOU come from his mouth and those are the last words I hear before I fall asleep.  So where ever you are my childhood crush I hope you are happy and living your dreams.
Your Childhood Crush
(I wonder if we ever did date would of this letter
Been different would it be a letter to the ex boyfriend)

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