Sunday, May 29, 2011
noisy house
We are going to get this cute little kitten declawed, spayed, and shots this Tuesday but before she went in she wanted to give us a present. Lets just say Baylee is going insane. This little girl is on a look out for a male cat and she has found Baylee. Our poor Baylee cat is being chased down by a woman who wants some babies of her own. But what KEKE hasn't realized yet is the male cat she has picked out to be the Father of her kittens is lacking the equipment to make said kittens. So her cat calling and her little crawling and making weird noises is making Baylee not just hide but kind of sad. Baylee goes up to her and because all of her attention is focused on kittens she won't play. Baylee has swatted her and kept his paw on her forehead in hopes that she will fight back like before his playmate has been taken over by the nature of girls. All she wants is babies. We thought that we were going to get away with never seeing her in heat and her she is on the war path of all girls to find a male. Not only is making Baylee annoyed that his friend won't play she stayed up all last night cat calling for a male to come and break her free. Can Tuesday come a little faster please?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Our new cat we saved her from the cold rain one night. We have had her on a trial run with Baylee before deciding to keep her. They are becoming friends slowly we have a cat fight every couple of hours. But when they are not in a cat fight and actually being nice to each other it is so cute to watch them play and clean each other.
On our way out there I started to get really antsy I couldn't stand being the car much longer. Brandon stopped the car at the rest stop 9 miles out of Wendover. But it gave me the opportunity to take a picture of him! We got to Wendover around 1 and we couldn't check into the Montego Bay until 3pm so we went out to lunch. Than we went to the Wendover Air Museum we got to walk around and look at all the buildings and get to learn of the history of the atomic bomb. Did you know that they used the Salt Flats for testing the atomic bomb? We went and walked around the hotels after that because it was raining than
we checked in and got to sit and relax in our room before our big night of going out on the town... we went out to eat at the Montego Bay all you can eat buffet and after dinner is when we went to play the slots! Brandon won 50 dollars! me on the other hand lost my money Brandon just made back the money I had lost. So in the end we only ended up loosing 20 dollars which is not bad. We had fun! On our way out of Wendover we went to the Bonneville Salt Flats speed way. We learned that all the water we were seeing on top of the Salt Flats was the rain it collects it during the rainy months and than dries out and that is when they get the speedway ready. I went and played in the salt while Brandon just sat and watched. I had fun playing in the salt even though standing on it felt very moist and I could sink. We were than off on our way to
Friday, May 20, 2011
May 22, 2005
All I can say is time flies...
a couple of years ago maybe not a couple of years ago more like 6 years ago May 22 was on a Sunday. Good memory huh? Well it is because of what happened on that day that I remember it being on a Sunday. I had been 18 for a couple of months had just started working at Lindon Care just bought my first car. On May 22, 2005 I graduated from Seminary. I was loving the weather outside and the spirit being all around me so I decided I would take a trip to the Mount Timpanogas Temple to dream about the day I would be walking into the temple to be sealed to my husband who I had no idea who he was or how or where I was going to meet him. I just had a feeling that I was going to meet him soon and that I needed to keep my life on track so that one day I could enter into that temple.
A couple of months went by it was AUGUST 2, 2005 I was working and that is when I met my soon to be husband. I say our Heavenly Father has a sense of humor because yes I did meet my future husband but I would have to wait for him to return from his mission. Brandon Waite was his name a BYU student who had girls swooning over him. He had a couple of girls that wanted to date him. I was the lucky one and Brandon and I started dating. On November 3rd Brandon's birthday I took him out to lunch where he surprised me with a promise ring. The promise ring was that I would always be happy no matter what would happen in the future. It wasn't a promise for marriage after the mission. A couple of weeks later I had strep throat when Brandon got a letter in the mail. The letter told Brandon that he was called to serve a mission in New Jersey Cherry Hill and he would be leaving in February 2006. For two years Brandon and I wrote to each other. Before Brandon got home he went to the Manhattan Temple and got a answer to a question. Towards the end of Brandon's mission I was feeling that I really wanted to go on a mission I asked and I got the answer. Happy and sad at the answer to my question. Brandon got home and we were still very much in love and within a week of him being home we were talking about marriage. What was the question that Brandon received his question to can you guess and what was my answer when he asked me that question. YES!!! Well we picked a date and the date was May 22, 2008 so three years later there I was saying yes to an eternity with Brandon.
I'm so grateful for that feeling I received on May 22, 2005 because if somebody walked up to me when I was only 18 and said you are going to get married on May 22, 2008 at this temple I think would of laughed.
So I'm thinking this Sunday Evening I will be at the temple remembering...
with my sweetheart!
All I can say is time flies...
a couple of years ago maybe not a couple of years ago more like 6 years ago May 22 was on a Sunday. Good memory huh? Well it is because of what happened on that day that I remember it being on a Sunday. I had been 18 for a couple of months had just started working at Lindon Care just bought my first car. On May 22, 2005 I graduated from Seminary. I was loving the weather outside and the spirit being all around me so I decided I would take a trip to the Mount Timpanogas Temple to dream about the day I would be walking into the temple to be sealed to my husband who I had no idea who he was or how or where I was going to meet him. I just had a feeling that I was going to meet him soon and that I needed to keep my life on track so that one day I could enter into that temple.
A couple of months went by it was AUGUST 2, 2005 I was working and that is when I met my soon to be husband. I say our Heavenly Father has a sense of humor because yes I did meet my future husband but I would have to wait for him to return from his mission. Brandon Waite was his name a BYU student who had girls swooning over him. He had a couple of girls that wanted to date him. I was the lucky one and Brandon and I started dating. On November 3rd Brandon's birthday I took him out to lunch where he surprised me with a promise ring. The promise ring was that I would always be happy no matter what would happen in the future. It wasn't a promise for marriage after the mission. A couple of weeks later I had strep throat when Brandon got a letter in the mail. The letter told Brandon that he was called to serve a mission in New Jersey Cherry Hill and he would be leaving in February 2006. For two years Brandon and I wrote to each other. Before Brandon got home he went to the Manhattan Temple and got a answer to a question. Towards the end of Brandon's mission I was feeling that I really wanted to go on a mission I asked and I got the answer. Happy and sad at the answer to my question. Brandon got home and we were still very much in love and within a week of him being home we were talking about marriage. What was the question that Brandon received his question to can you guess and what was my answer when he asked me that question. YES!!! Well we picked a date and the date was May 22, 2008 so three years later there I was saying yes to an eternity with Brandon.
I'm so grateful for that feeling I received on May 22, 2005 because if somebody walked up to me when I was only 18 and said you are going to get married on May 22, 2008 at this temple I think would of laughed.
So I'm thinking this Sunday Evening I will be at the temple remembering...
with my sweetheart!
A guy who shall be remained nameless (Harald Camping) has said that the end of the world is going to be happening on May 21, 2011 at 6:00pm
funny thing is he says the bible has given him the date and the time I wonder if he read these verses:
funny thing is he says the bible has given him the date and the time I wonder if he read these verses:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
-Matthew 24:36
"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." -Matthew 25:36
just wanted to add a good little chuckle... i would be the guy asking "YOU WANT TO PUT SOME MONEY ON THAT"
Thursday, May 19, 2011
something borrowed
I just got done reading the book Something Borrowed By: Emily Griffin I must say it was a good book. If you like books about drama in relationships go right ahead and read this book. I'm just lucky that I don't look for drama and I keep drama away from my life. I had a group of friends when I was 19 and we said if we are going to be friends there is going to be no drama and guess what there was none.
Now for the real reason I read the book... I want to go see the movie and I have been trying to read the books before I see the movie. It makes it seem more interesting when you are watching the movie and you can pick out bits from the book and than see the new ideas in the movie. Plus I love when the movie gets some of my favorite actors or actresses in it.
Monday, May 16, 2011
One of those days...
Working midnights can be exciting,
even sometimes a little
But lets just say tonight was of the nights that started out
as one of those nights
that you know feel like it is going to be
just one long night
But than going on google and searching for random word pictures
turned out to be a good thing!!!
I found this picture yes the one above
I love it!!!
Just wanted to share it with you!
Monday, May 9, 2011
I'm a day late with the Mother's Day Post but that is because I was spending my time with my mom and my mother in-law. I enjoyed this weekend even though one day I got a sunburn and the next day I was wearing a sweatshirt over my sunburn. I love my mom she is my best friend. I love her so much. I'm so grateful for her and all the things she has taught me and is still teaching me. I would just have to say my mom is the most amazing lady.
I'm also grateful for my mother in-law she is the sweetest, fun loving mom for my husband. Thank you for raising such a great boy to become a very loving husband.
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