Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Looking back a year...

I got to thinking I don't understand why I only post when I have a photo that I took and want to share.  I have decided I need to do a little better with just blogging and I have two reasons.  The first one is you forget just the smalls things that happen in life from day to day living.  The second one is I do have things on my mind that don't necessarily have photos for my thoughts. 

So looking back at my blog posts until July 2009 I have realized a lot of change has happened...

Starting with July 1st and working up until now we have done a lot
  • Moved to another apartment in Provo.
  • Found out we were expecting a baby to only have it turn out to end in a miscarriage :(
  • Going on a big adventure to Oregon, Washington D.C., New Jersey, and New York City.
  • Changing shifts at work.
  • Brandon turning 23.
  • BYU Football and basketball games.
  • Finding out we were pregnant again on Dec. 31
  • Me turning 23.
  • Going through the motions of being pregnant.
  • Moving to Pleasant Grove.
  • My sister Laura and I being pregnant at the same time.  Getting pampered by going and getting pedicures every month.
  • A new addition to the nieces and nephews last week.
That is only some of the major things that happened within this last year.  I don't remember all the random day to day stuff that is happening in my life. So I'm going to try better to blog more about normal day things that happen in our life.

I just have been remembering lately what we went through last July and crazy to think in 7 more weeks we will have a new addition to our little Waite family.  I'm getting more nervous than scared and it is because I have never really taken care of a baby before 24/7.  I have only watched babies for a couple hours and than handed them back over to their parents.  All that I can hope for is that this Mother instinct better kick in once the baby is here.

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